Home NewsWihuri Research Institute Symposium “Translational Insights into Organ-Specific Vasculature” – June 11, 2019
April 25, 2019

Wihuri Research Institute Symposium “Translational Insights into Organ-Specific Vasculature” – June 11, 2019


8.00-8.50  Registration open in the arrival lobby

8.50-9.00  A few words about the Wihuri Research Institute

SESSION I  Vasculature, Chairperson: Christer Betsholtz

09.00-09.30   Tatiana Petrova, Lausanne: Organ-specific functions of lymphatic vessels

09.30-10.00   Taija Mäkinen, Uppsala: Vascular bed-specific mechanisms of lymphatic development and disease

10.00-10.30   Lena Claesson-Welsh, Uppsala: Organotypic features of the vascular barrier

10.30-10.50   Pipsa Saharinen, Helsinki: Novel mechanisms of vascular leakage in inflammation

10.50-11.15  Coffee break

SESSION II   Heart, Chairperson: Riikka Kivelä

11.15-11.45   Mauro Giacca, London: Harnessing miRNAs for cardiac regeneration

11.45-12.15   Nicola Smart, Oxford: Reactivating developmental mechanisms to vascularize the ischaemic adult heart

12.15-12.30   Markus Räsänen, Helsinki: Therapeutic potential of VEGF-B in coronary revascularization – a novel insight

12.30-13.30  Lunch in P-floor, B-wing, and poster viewing and coffee, C-wing

SESSION III  Adipose tissue, Chairperson: Tatiana Petrova

13.30-14.00   Michael Potente, Heidelberg: Metabolite signaling in the vascular endothelium

14.00-14.30   Magda Zachara, Lausanne: Single cell-based characterization of adipose stem and precursor cells

14.30-14.50   Sinem Karaman, Helsinki: Organotypic sensitivity of endothelial cells to loss of vascular endothelial growth factor signaling

14.50-15.15  Coffee break and poster viewing

SESSION IV  Brain, eye, Chairperson: Kari Alitalo

15.15-16.05   Keynote talk: Christer Betsholtz, Stockholm: A single cell perspective on vascular biology

16.05-16.35   Alexander Flügel, Göttingen: Visualizing autoimmune CNS responses

16.35-16.50   Lauri Eklund, Oulu: The role of angiopoietin-4 in mouse vascular development

The symposium is free of charge for the participants. Registration is required and includes lunch and coffee.
Registration: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/98162/lomake.htmlWihuri_symposium_2019 preliminary program 28.5.2019