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Our mission

The Wihuri Research Institute is a non-profit biomedical research institute for top-quality biomedical research and learning in Helsinki, Finland.

The Wihuri Research Institute (WRI) acts in the forefront of biomedical research, with a goal to advance the well-being of humankind, providing:


The research program at WRI consists of both fundamental and translational biomedical research. Our six research groups work together to achieve new understanding of the molecular and cellular basis of the vascular system, in order to improve the treatment of various human diseases.

More about our research program

First-class research training

Working in close co-operation with the University of Helsinki doctoral programs and career development network, we offer postdoctoral fellows as well as students exciting research and study opportunities. We are continuously looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our research groups.

See what we offer students and postdoctoral fellows

Interaction and collaboration with an international network of scientists

We actively participate in the global scientific community by attending and organizing seminars and symposia, such as the annual Wihuri Research Institute Symposium.

Read more about the Wihuri Research Symposium

A fertile environment for biomedical and translational research

WRI is located in Biomedicum Helsinki, at the Academic Medical Center Helsinki (AMCH), which comprises the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Helsinki and the University Helsinki Hospital. Our research activities benefit greatly from the shared technology and core facilities at the AMCH campus, which is one of the largest in the Nordic countries.

Get to know Biomedicum Helsinki